Lorikeets are often referred to as the “clowns of the Parrot world”, due to their playful nature. These colorful little birds love to interact with our guests, so come down and visit them at Turtle Bay Exploration Park’s Parrot Playhouse!
VIDEO: Laughing Kookaburra
VIDEO: Turtles
VIDEO: Striped Skunk
Skunks are known for their stinky odor, but did you know that they only spray if they think their life is in danger? When skunks are afraid, they stomp their feet, backup, and scrape the ground to warn predators that they mean business. They can spray their pungent odor up to 14 feet in a stream or a mist.
VIDEO: American Badger
VIDEO: Turkey Vulture
Vultures are the single most important scavengers in the world. Turkey vultures are able to consume so many different types of viruses and bacterias that would normally kill other animals. Things like salmonella, anthrax, and even botulism. Because of this incredible immune system, vultures are really important with keeping us healthy.
Animal Recover Center Opening Ceremony
Community leaders and Turtle Bay supporters gathered on October 23, 2018 for a special dedication ceremony, recognizing the opening of the Senator Maurice and Marianne Johannessen Animal Recovery Center, a new multi-use building that allows Turtle Bay to give the best possible care to its animal ambassadors.